Publications are ranked by the NSPA on a scale from “Third Class” to “All American,” the highest distinction. TRN received an overall score of 455/500.
Category: News
Like any reliable paper, Roosevelt News always has an eye on the school’s happenings. Whether it be breaking news or inquiries into class occurrences, you can be sure we’ll have the scoop on it.
Roosevelt Administration Overhauled: New Principal, 2 Assistant Principals
Following the departure of former Principal HkwauaQueJol Hollins in January comes his replacement: Principal Tami Brewer, previous assistant principal at Ingraham High School.
Development Brings Change to Roosevelt Neighborhood
Recent redevelopment of the Roosevelt neighborhood has changed not only its skyline and density, but the community it houses. In 2015, several properties owned by Seattle landlords Hugh and Martha Sisley were torn down as the lots were sold to developers of multifamily housing.
Ethnic Studies Replaces APHG
Starting this school year, Roosevelt removed this course option entirely. In its place, all sophomores are now taking the semester-long Ethnic Studies World History 3 course.
Roosevelt Adds New Security Measures
Students and staff at Roosevelt High School have noticed heightened security procedures this school year specifically. Changes include no longer using the portables and more locked doors during school hours.
Roosevelt Welcomes New Staff For 2022-23
This year, Roosevelt High School introduced several new additions to the staff. Here is some information about a few of our new teachers: