Photo By: Alan Brennan
From Starting high school as insecure freshman to now leading the newspaper class as seniors was the result of the growth of both of us as people. We both entered Roosevelt as timid freshmen, and meeting one another for the first time in health class was a breath of fresh air. Despite the physical barrier of masks, we bonded over our shared love for Wes Anderson movies and other shared pop culture quirks.
After a year of adjusting to the high school climate, we rekindled sophomore year when we both joined the newspaper as new staffers. We instantaneously knew that we both wanted to become editors-in-chief. In Karl’s language arts class, we talked optimistically about how great it would be if we were co-editors-in-chief together. Flash forward two years, and we actually have the pleasure, together with Managing Editor Kaylie Earl, of running TRN, fulfilling the prophecy we unknowingly set sophomore year.
What were your first impressions of each other?
Alice: I thought Iva was immediately the coolest. She was the best dressed freshman and so fun to talk to. I even faked knowing who Mitski was to impress her.
Iva: Alice was super easy to talk to, which was rare to find as a nervous freshman. I thought her hair was super pretty too. I was taken aback that I had met someone as cool as her during the early months of freshmen year, and was scared to strike up a conversation once we moved seats because I was too nervous I’d come off as weird.
What’s different this year than what you expected?
Alice: Definitely how much work it is to manage the class. I was expecting a lot more difficulty with getting people’s attention and best focus. So far, people have been working really hard and being attentive.
Iva: I agree wholeheartedly with Alice, we are super lucky to have a focused board of staffers and editors who have expressed interest in bringing this paper to life. It’s super refreshing to be surrounded by students who are constantly working to learn new things despite the many unexpected setbacks that occur.
What do you hope to bring to the class this year?
Iva: I hope that we can provide an engaging paper that is creative in its content. There are so many things to cover locally and globally, so condensing that into a 12 page paper can be super hard.
Alice: This year I hope we can create a really welcoming community at TRN. We want the newspaper to represent all perspectives at Roosevelt, and I think that’s going to involve more outreach this year. Contact us if you have ideas, we want everyone to see an aspect of themself in the paper!
Follow The Roosevelt News on Instagram @therhsnews. Questions, comments, or concerns? Contact the Editorial Board at therooseveltnews@gmail.com.
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