A look into the people that make up Roosevelt High School.
Humans of Roosevelt is a returning column of The Roosevelt News, originally inspired by “Humans of New York.” TRN aims to represent a wide range of voices and perspectives from across the community.
Elise Bak, Sophomore
What has been the happiest moment of your life?

“The happiest moment of my life would probably be after I found out I got into symphony orchestra because it took a lot of hard work, but I was able to do it. Or after I PR’d [beat my personal record] against my time from last year in cross country. Those would probably be my top two.”
Maggie Popovich, Senior

What’s something you’re looking forward to?
“Being done with college application[s], … it takes up a lot of your time. And even if you haven’t started, the mental drainage of having so much to do for college and taking everything you’ve done and putting it in a little application, just to hope for something is a lot within itself. So I’m excited to be done with that.”
Linh Le, Freshman
What’s something you think about often?

“I don’t know. I don’t think about this as much anymore and just in my head, my mind wanders a lot.
And I would think about the most random things. But I used to draw a lot, and specifically portraits, so I would think about faces. Sounds really weird, but yeah.”