“Are you looking forward to your next steps after high school?”
It’s a question we are sure many seniors are all too familiar with. Yet we still find ourselves stumbling on this very topic. Are we excited to go off to college, meet new people, have new experiences? Of course, but we would be remiss to not say we are nervous to leave behind what we have. So many friends, wonderful memories, and soon, our childhoods.
Growing up was something that we always wanted, but now that we are almost adults, we want time to slow down.
Sayre: While senior year is filled with fun memories there’s also the overhanging truth that these moments are our “lasts”. For me, it’s my last time playing in a Roosevelt jersey, my last year living with my siblings, my last Halloween with my friends, and many more.
Lucas: For me, it’s my last time putting on the Roosevelt Marching Band uniform, my last year being a member of The Roosevelt News, my last year singing every Karaoke Friday. And it felt weird saying this was my last first day of school.
It feels like only yesterday we were young freshmen, naive, completely unaware of what these next 3 years would bring, and experiencing all of our firsts. Our first football game, first Winterball, and even our first pandemic. High school is the perfect example of that cliched saying, “the days go by slow, but the years go by fast.” We now wish we had savored all the classes that dragged on for hours or the finals weeks that we were just praying would be over.
You enter high school with these expectations and by the end of it everything has changed. The two of us played clarinet and sat right next to each other all of freshmen year, and now we are the Co-Editors-in-Chief of The Roosevelt News. Something our freshmen selves would never have believed if you told us.
As we write this message to the whole Roosevelt community, we want to remind you of the importance of making the most of the time you have. Whether you’re a freshman just beginning your journey or a teacher who has seen our school grow for years, these will always be memories you can look back on.
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