Public displays of affection (PDA) are very hard to avoid. And unfortunately, if you go to Roosevelt, there is a very high chance you have encountered at least one instance of PDA. While some people are completely fine with others showing their sweetheart some form of physical affection, others are absolutely repulsed by the idea.
PDA in general is acceptable. At school however, it is an unpleasant viewing experience for most students.
PDA is most simply defined as intimacy in the view of others. With such a broad definition, there is a large range of affection that could be encompassed by the term. This could include less attention provoking forms of endearment such as hand-holding or hugs, to more unpleasant sights, such as intimate touching or making out. School is not the place for the latter forms.
The Roosevelt student handbook has no mention of any guidelines on PDA at school. Meaning it should be allowed, right?! The student body would disagree.
A poll conducted by The Roosevelt News showes that the majority of students disapproved of PDA. Over two-thirds of respondents said they did not support PDA at school. The general majority of respondents agreed that minor acts of PDA were okay, but other forms were too inappropriate for school.
Multiple students even expressed their disgust on the issue. Anonymous student perspectives range from the aloof, “It’s just annoying,” to the spiteful, “It’s so gross to walk around in the halls and see people making out.”
Students who partake in these acts considered unsafe-for-school can also be very distracting for other students. School is meant to be an educational space where people learn. When students are kissing all up on each other, it can be extremely distracting to students who may be trying to do schoolwork or focus on something other than the sound of two students’ lips smacking against each other.
Especially with COVID, unnecessarily taking off masks to kiss can potentially expose others to sickness, so when possible it is best to refrain from exchanging cooties during every passing period.
Students don’t want to view you smooching your significant other against the locker in the hallway during lunch. Leave campus if you are so desperate to engage in advanced activities.
It’s completely fine to be into your lover, but there will always be better places to express your urges than in school. Let’s put that smooching energy into some school work please.
PDA doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Two people should be able to express their feelings toward each other in public. But school grounds should be limited to the basics.
When it boils down to comfort and safe spaces, extreme PDA simply doesn’t belong. When having moments of intimacy at school, please make sure to take into account the mental wellbeing of your peers. School is a place to learn, not to conceive babies in the hallway.