It must be those darn phones and laziness nowadays…

I don’t think I can handle hearing one more person try to blame their laziness on their seasonal depression. Nowadays, it seems most teens blame everything on depression. They won’t clean their room because they’re “depressed.” Well, this is just a skinny excuse if you ask me.
If teens only tried a little more, they’d realize that they aren’t actually depressed, but upset because they’re living in a pigsty. I mean, come on, it doesn’t take long to put dirty clothes in the wash, wait an hour for them to finish while scrolling on TikTok, take the lint out of the dryer, put them in the dryer, wait another hour for those to be done, then finally neatly fold them, and put them back in the closet. At most, it will be like 6 hours, which is only a quarter of the day.
Have you looked at teens lately? Everywhere they go their heads are down staring at a screen. If they look up every now and then, that chronic headache they’re always complaining about will disappear instantly. It’s not migraines, it’s not paying attention to things other than their phone.
Their “depressed” attitudes are caused by their constant scrolling on TikTok and YouTube.
Who knows what teens are looking at on the internet? All those cute dog videos and pandas sneezing are the real cause of this “depression.” Forget about the weather, or the piles and piles of school work, while also balancing sports, music, getting service hours, and trying to get more than 5 hours of sleep.
No, the real problem that teens are facing today is that they choose not to do what is necessary, and easy.
Disclaimer: This article is satire.
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