It may be the coldest time of the year, but Roosevelt’s winter teams are on fire! Read how they’re doing here!
Boys’ Basketball
Joey Rasmusson
This year’s boys’ basketball team is looking as ready as ever. With so many teams doing so well in spring sports and fall sports, there are high expectations for this year’s teams, having recently won the “Boys All Sports” trophy in Metro. Junior Nathan Suedel says that while he’s excited for the season to start up again, “Our team is very young. We only have two seniors.” This may prove difficult for the games to come, but the there’s no doubt that team’s spirit will prove to be a critical factor as the season gets rolling.
The basketball team is looking forward to some exciting games, but Suedel feels there’s no team they’d rather beat than Rainier Beach, a consistently tough competitor for Roosevelt. While the team might be young, that simply leaves room for growth for all of those potential up and comers. Their first competition is a Jamboree at Chief Sealth next Saturday, the 28th.

Sophie Aanerud
On November 9th, Roosevelt’s small gym once again was filled with mats and vaults, uneven bars, and balance beams. There could be no doubt: Roosevelt’s gymnastics team had begun its season. The all-female varsity gymnastics team has high hopes this year, having come off a successful 2014-15 season in which two athletes, senior Claire Schwartz and Qingyu Onouye, made it to State and a seven-member team represented Roosevelt at the Metro Championships. Junior and co-leader of the team’s fall conditioning sessions, Ravenna Collver speaks with confidence of the team and especially its newcomers: “Some of our new members have been doing gymnastics for a long time so I think we’ll get some people to districts and hopefully a few to state like last year.” With coaches Zoey Whisler and Erica Bonthuis prepped for another year and captains Schwartz and senior Zoe Nelson already bringing energy and skill to the team, there is no denying that this team will have a strong season. The first meet will be a home meet on December with Roosevelt hosting Bainbridge and Garfield on Friday, December 4th.
Girls’ Basketball
Nate Sanford
Though they haven’t had their first game yet, hopes are high on the girls’ basketball team for the upcoming season. The team has been busy practicing over the past few weeks, with lots of promising freshmen joining the team. Last season, the team fell one game short of the playoffs, losing by only two points. Junior Serena Toney is optimistic for this year’s season: “I think that we will definitely make the playoffs this year,” she asserted, “We’re a quick and skillful team and we have got some good freshmen coming in that will help us.” The Roosevelt Women’s basketball team will be making a new name for themselves this year. The team has several new coaches this year, Jasen Thomas, Sarah Wilcox, and Terrance King. According to Toney, they have “definitely improved this program.” They will play their first game of the season next Monday, November 30th, against Glacier Peak at Roosevelt.
Boys’ Swimming
Jess Flynn
This was the beginning week for Roosevelt boys’ swimming. Senior and captain, Jimmy Bernard says he is excited for the season to come into full swing. A typical practice consists of some warm-ups in the water down at Evan’s Pool, then tough sets put on by both the coaches and then they hop out of the water to do some “dry-land” exercises for about twenty minutes, once their pool time is over. Bernard had all positive things to say about the upcoming season and added that he looks forward to “spending time with the amazing community that the swim team has, going to meets, and really working hard.” An important aspect for the boys’ swim team isn’t just winning,but having a good time. The coaches strive to make competing and the whole experience fair and fun for everyone. Even with Bernard’s upbeat attitude, he does have one major concern: that the season will go by too quickly. Their first meet will be at Queen Anne against Blanchet on Friday, December 4th.
Ira Rose-Kim
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2014-15 Wrestling Stats
– 4 Individual champions at Regionals and Metro
– 8 Individual Finalists at Metro
– 11 Wrestlers at State
– 0 League Matches Lost
– 6 Returning State Participants[/box]
Roosevelt’s wrestling team has at last returned for another great winter season. The Rider wrestlers had an amazing season last year. They went undefeated in league meets and brought home the Metro Title. Many individuals went on to win titles as individuals. Roosevelt then sent an astounding 13 athletes to the state championship, 6 of whom are returning this year. One of those is senior and captain Erik Choi who took second at the Metro and Regional championships. Choi, who wrestles at 138lbs, was impressed by the incoming freshman this season. He described them as “perseverant.” He explained, “They enjoy wrestling. They like to learn new things and aren’t afraid to get hurt.” The team will obviously aim to match their accomplishments from the year prior. It won’t be easy, but Roosevelt’s wrestlers aren’t the type to turn down a challenge. Their first competition will be the annual Take-down Tournament, held at Roosevelt next Saturday, the 28th.
Featured Photo: Senior Philip Swanson practices shooting at practice. Photo by Ryan Henrie