A quick check-in with the Roosevelt High School community. Ember
Tag: TRN
Department Heads Address ‘Big Picture’ Student, Teacher Needs
BTS: The work you don’t see that goes into your
OpEd: Can Marching Band Be Classified as a Sport?
A staple of American football culture and Roosevelt High School
Which Fall Holiday is Best? Thanksgiving or Halloween?
Thanksgiving is the best holiday! by Alex Dammand In my
A ‘Boo’ to the New Class of Freshmen
Roosevelt’s assembly tradition raises controversy among students, teachers, and administration.
RHS Provides Sexual Health Resources For Students
In an October survey, The Roosevelt News found that 19.9% of 216 surveyed Roosevelt High School students are or have been sexually active. For these students, and even their non-sexually active peers, there is a multitude of reproductive health services available in the Roosevelt community.