Do you ever wonder when you see a runner why they would want to spend their free time running in circles? Running is a form of punishment for many sports. If you’re late to soccer practice, your coach makes you run a lap.
So why would 118 Roosevelt High School students willingly sign up to run two hours a day for eleven weeks straight?
Watching a cross country race is a wild ride. There are people passing out, throwing up, looking drained, and even occasional ambulances stops by. Yet people love the sport so much, pain and all.
Running can seem like the worst at some points but it can seem like the best at others. Through the highs and lows people still come back.
Senior Anna Callender, co-captain of the Roosevelt XC team, shared her experience being on the team. “I would say it’s just kind of an unmatched feeling that I only get after I complete a run,” she said.
The highs for Callender are “finishing a workout,” her lows are when “You don’t really remember most of the race and you kind of just fall over the finish line, and the next thing you know — you are in an ambulance.”
Runners sure are dedicated to the sport.
Runners have a love-hate relationship with running. Sophomore Anna Lendrum Fort shared her take from being on the team, “Yeah I just hate everything about it, but I love everything about it at the same time.”
Sometimes runners don’t even know why they do cross country.
Sophomore Kai Davey said that the reason he runs is “because the pros outweigh the cons.” Sophomore Chase Guyton’s reasoning was “the fun overweighs the amount of pain.”
What makes runners feel better during a workout is the fact that everyone is going through the same pain. “[I]t’s … helpful and good to know that everybody else on the team is struggling in a race and feeling the same way that you are feeling, and it’s kind of comforting to know that you guys are bonding through that experience,” Callender said.
It seems that some runners run so they can feel the relief after. It is painful but “we all work together really well, and we’re all in pain together. So join the team. It’s really fun,” Lendrum Fort said.
Disclaimer: This article is satire.
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